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Leveraging Purchase Agreements in D365 for Better Procurement Management


Purchase agreement is a type of commitment between buyer and seller, to buy a specified quantity or amount by using multiple purchase orders over a period from a specified vendor, so that the Organization/buyer receives special prices and discounts.

Prices and discounts of the purchase agreement override the prices and discounts that are specified in any trade agreements that exist.

There are four types of commitments: we can create a Purchase agreement with below commitments.

  1. Product quantity commitment– Purchase agreement with a specific quantity of a product.
  2. Product value commitment– Purchase agreement with a specific amount of a product.
  3. Product category value commitment– Purchase agreement with a specific amount in a procurement category. The amount can be for a catalog item or a noncatalog item.
  4. Value commitment– Purchase agreement with a specific amount of any product or products in any procurement category

Create a purchase agreement

  1. Go to Procurement and sourcing > Purchase agreements > Purchase agreements.
Create a purchase agreement

2. Click NEW

3. In the Vendor account field, select the vendor with whom purchase agreement needs to be created

4. In the Purchase agreement classificationfield, select the drop-down menu and select the desired record.

5. Expand the General Fast Tab.

6. In the Expiration date field, enter a date. This expiration date will be the default for all commitment lines and will determine how long each specific commitment is valid.

7. In the Document title field, type a name for your purchase agreement.

8. In the Default commitment field, select Default commitment from drop-down.

9. Click OK.

Default commitment


  1. Product quantity commitment:

Add line and select item, site, Wearhouse from drop-down mention quantity, discount percentage and unit price.

Max is enforced
  • If Max is enforced is enabled YES, the total quantity or amount for all order lines can’t exceed the quantity or amount that is specified on the respective commitment.
  • Users can add Maximum and minimum amount on purchase agreement, so that while PO is released, and the amount is override. Then the system will show the message accordingly.

2. Product value commitment 

Add line and select item, site, Wearhouse from drop-down, mention net amount and discount percentage.


3. Product category value commitment

Add line and select any procurement category from drop-down, mention net amount and discount percentage.

4.  Value commitment

Add line, Procurement category will appear, mention net amount and discount percentage.

Confirm the Purchase agreement

  1. Click Purchase agreement tab > Generate > Confirmation.
Confirm the Purchase agreement

2. Set the Mark agreement as effective option to Yes and If the user needs to print agreement enables the print report check box to Yes and click OK.

3. The purchase agreement status will be changed from on hold to

Release order from purchase agreement with Product quantity commitment

  1. Click Release order in Purchase agreement > New > Release order.
Purchase agreement

2. Give quantity under Purchase quantity in line and click create.

3. Now, Purchase order is created automatically, the purchase order number will be notified on screen as shown below.

4. We can find Purchase order in Procurement and sourcing > Purchase orders > All purchase orders.

5. We can find the released line in purchase order lines and Attached agreement in Update line> Purchase agreements> Attached.

6. Next, the PO process of confirmation, product receipt and invoicing follow as usual.

7. We can find released order lines in purchase agreement,

Purchase agreement > Related information > Release order lines.

      Here, we can find released order lines.

Here, we can find the released order quantity with status.

8. Here, we can find fulfillment status.

Purchase agreement fulfillment report

  1. Go to Procurement and sourcing > Purchase agreements > Purchase agreement fulfillment report.

2. Enable required parameters in report, and filter based on commitment types, vendors, agreement dates, items etc., Click OK.

3. Purchase agreement fulfillment report will appear on screen, if you want to download the report click on Export and select the export formant in drop-down.


  1. Price and discount are fixed, if price and discount changed in purchase order line, the attached agreement will not have any impact on Purchase order.
  2. In product quantity commitment, we can also give only unit price individually without discount.
  3. In the purchase agreement header, method of payments, mode of delivery and delivery terms are populated from vendor master.
  4. The purchase agreement can also be manually applied at the time of creation of the purchase order.
  5. we need to edit line in purchase order from release order and then complete the purchase order process for all purchase agreement commitments Except for Product quantity commitment when the agreement is released then automatically the purchase order with line will be appeared.

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Purchase Agreements in Dynamics 365 are a vital tool for any organization looking to optimize its procurement process. By setting clear commitments with vendors, companies can secure favorable terms, streamline purchasing, and maintain better control over their spending. Whether your organization requires specific quantities or values of products, Dynamics 365 allows you to tailor agreements to meet your unique needs, ensuring that your procurement strategy is both efficient and cost-effective. With the ability to track fulfillment and manage agreements easily, Dynamics 365 is a game-changer for procurement professionals looking to elevate their operations.

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