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Create Trial Balance Report for Multiple Legal Entities in D365


In this blog we can learn about how to create trail balance for multiple legal entities. Usually, we can create trail balance report from general ledger for respective (single) legal entity.  Now in version 10.0.39 or later there is a functionality called Trial balance snapshots, available to generate trail balances report for multiple legal entities in single Excel sheet.

Create Trial Balance Report for Multiple Legal Entities in D365

It is possible when the multiple legal entities follow the same Chart of Accounts.

  • Go to General ledger > Inquiries and reports > Trail balance.
  • Click on Trial balance snapshots.
  • Click on Add trial balance snapshot.

Here, give required fields:

  1. Ledger- Select a legal entity from drop-down.
  2. Financial dimension set-Select the financial dimension set from the drop-down
  3. Posting layer- Select the Posting layer from the drop-down.
  4. Fiscal year to process- User can select the Options from below

Fiscal year- Select the required fiscal year.

  • Click
  • A line will be created, and the snapshot status shows as Not started.
  • Click on Run snapshot once.
  • Batch job will be created, and the snapshot status will be changed to processing.
  • Once the batch job is completed the report will be ready and the snapshot status changed to Complete.
  • Here, the user can select other required legal entity and follow as shown above process.
  • Click ok.
  • An additional line will be created, and the snapshot status shows as Not started.
  • Click on Run snapshot once for new line.


  • Batch job will be created, and the snapshot status will be changed to processing.
  • Once the batch job is completed the report will be ready and the snapshot status changed to Complete for the new line.
  • Click on Open in Excel in the action pane.

Click on Download.

  • Open the downloaded Excel file.
  • Now user can find trail balance of respective(single) legal entity.
  • Click on Filter option.
Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Here, click on clear filters and done.
Dynamics 365 Finance
  • Click on the Refresh option as shown below.
  • Now user can find the multiple legal entities report in single excel sheet, based on the number of trail balance snapshots created.


Generating a trial balance report for multiple legal entities in Dynamics 365 Finance simplifies financial consolidation and ensures accurate reporting across your organization. By leveraging the platform’s robust features, businesses can streamline their financial processes, reduce manual effort, and achieve better visibility into their operations. Whether managing compliance or preparing for audits, Dynamics 365 Finance offers the tools needed to handle multi-entity financial data with ease. Start optimizing your reporting today and empower your business with accurate, consolidated insights.


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