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Approvals Management Mobile App


 Microsoft dynamics 365 offers a mobile approval feature in 10.0.41 version that makes the approval process faster and more convenient. With this feature, users can review and approve requests, like purchase requisitions and purchase orders in D365 Supply chain management, directly from their mobile devices. This helps reduce delays, allowing decisions to be made quickly, even when on the go. The mobile experience is easy to use, keeps processes moving smoothly, it is a practical way to make workflows more efficient and responsive.

The Approvals Management mobile app provides the following capabilities for managing approval requests:

  • View requests that are assigned to the user.
  • Approve or Reject requests.
  • Delegate requests to another approver.
  • Ask requesters to make changes.
Approvals Management Mobile App

Onboard the Approvals Management mobile app

Allow publishing of canvas apps in Dataverse

The Approvals Management mobile app is a canvas app. So, before installing it in Dataverse, the user must enable the Allow publishing of canvas apps with code components option for user environment.

  1. Sign in to the Power Platform admin center.
  2. On the navigation pane, select Environments, and then select the D365 environment and click on Settings on the action pane.

3. On the Settings page, expand the Product section, and click on Features.

approval management

4. Enable to ON for Allow publishing of canvas apps with code components option.

approval management

Install the mobile app

To use the Approvals Management app on the Power Apps mobile app, it must be installed through the Power Platform admin center.

  1. In Power Platform admin center click on Resources > Dynamics 365 apps.
  2. Search for Dynamics 365 Approvals Management in the search box.
  3. Click on ellipsis(…) and install as shown below.

4. Select environment from the drop-down and select agree to the terms of service checkbox and click on Install.

approval management

5. Users can find it under Apps in navigation pane, as shown below.

Set up user accounts to manage approvals in D365

To use the Approvals Management mobile App, users need one of these roles:

  • Buying Agent: To manage purchase orders.
  • Purchasing Agent: To manage purchase requisitions.
  • Purchasing Manager: To manage both purchase orders and requisitions.
  • System Administrator: To manage all types of approval requests.

Set up approval workflows

To enable document approvals, set up workflows for Purchase requisitions and purchase orders in D365 Supply chain management by defining approval steps and assigning approvers. Once configured, approval requests will appear in the Approvals Management mobile app, where users can review and approve documents on the go.

Install and open the mobile app

  • Install the Power Apps mobile app and sign in with the same D365 account user credentials.
  • To use the Approvals Management app, check Recent Apps or search for “Approvals Management” in the search bar. Open the app to start managing approvals easily.
approval managements
  • Hear, User can view Purchase requisitions and purchase order requests that are assigned and find recent notifications as shown below.
  • When user click on purchase requestions or purchase orders user can find list of requests respectively
  • Click on View comments link to see requester comments.
  • Click on Next button (>) to view details of PR/PO
approval management
  • Here, users can find details of PR/PO like details, attachments, timeline, account distributions, workflow instructions and all lines in detailed.
  • Users can Approve or Reject or Delegate requests to another approver or Ask Request change to make changes from here.
  • We can also use this app in teams, Go to Power apps > Apps
  • Select the approval management app and click on Ellipsis (…) and click on share and Add to Teams.
  • Click on Add to Teams.
  • We can manage this app in teams now.
approval managements
  • We can also use this app in browser, Go to Power apps > Apps
  • Select the approval management app and click on Play symbol.
  • We can manage this app in the browser now.
approval management


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