Dynamics 365 Business Central Account Schedules “101”
Today, we’re going to describe how to create a new Account Schedule.
For those unfamiliar, in Business Central, Account Schedules are used to help interpret financial data (in your Chart of Accounts, of course). Account Schedules help by customizing financial reports through calculations (%, variances, budget versus actuals), subtotaling and comparing fields (e.g., actual versus budget) which can then be also referenced elsewhere. This also allows for date ranging and balance at date reporting flexibility. In general, simplifying your Chart of Accounts and then using Dimensions and Account Schedules will allow you to view financial information to draw insight to make better decisions. And, since everything is referencing source ERP data, there’s no latency nor concern about the accuracy of information (versus, using spreadsheets or static reports where “as-of-dating” becomes an important and relevant parameter.
The results of these schedules and changes will impact how you review:
- Balance Sheets
- Income Statements
- Cash Flow
Who does this impact?
Financial Analysts, Managers, Controllers up to CFOs. Anyone who seeks to draw greater insight from GL based data, should look at ways to use Account Schedules (and Dimensions).
Creating a New Account Schedule
Once you select the Accounts Schedule option the following will appear:
Click the New button and the following will appear – you’ve created “Demo”
As you click on the Process you will see
Click on Process –> Edit Account Schedule following window will appear
Here you can select the different Totaling Types. Following are the different Totaling Types descriptions
- Posting Accounts – you can select a Single Posting Account or a range of Posting Accounts.
- Total Accounts – if you select an End Total Account, then Total amount will appear for the Range of accounts which is defined in COA
- Formula – you can create calculations as required. Using Posting & Total Accounts and the ability to create formulas provides limitless permutations for reporting flexibility.
- Underline – formatting option.
- Double Underline – formatting option.
- Set Base for Percent – used as basis or denominator for percentage calculation.
- Cost Type – Chart of cost types.
- Cost Type Total – summation of cost types.
- Cash Flow Entry Accounts – accounts that are used for Cashflow
- Cash Flow Total Accounts – summation of cashflow accounts.
Following are the different Row Types