Create purchase requisition and quotation in AX 2012 R3

Create Purchase requisition and quotation in AX 2012 R3

AX 2012 R3 provides full process of purchase requisition to invoice creation option , in this topic we will  discuss only PR (Purchase requisition) and quotation.

To create a Purchase requisition follow the following process:


Procurement and sourcing —-> Area page—>All purchase requisitions

Click on purchase requisitions new and enter the name of purchase requisitions , date and project and click on ok

A new screen will open with the name of purchase requisition , i will create a new PR for demo:

Add the item name you require in purchase requisition line

You will see that after you enter the item detail above ,a yellow line with create and submit button will appear.You click on the submit  the Purchase requisition and it will go for approval as per your work follow mentioned in the setup.

you see a new entry in Procurement and sourcing–>Common–>Purchase requisitions–>All purchase requisitions

approver can also see this PR in Procurement and sourcing—>Common—>Purchase requisitions—>Purchase requisitions assigned to me

An approver can also complete it without creation of quotation. For that they need to require to click on action in yellow line and complete it and create PO against it or if they require the quotation click on create request on quotation. A new screen will open -select the Legal entity for quotation and item name.

Click on ok , a new quotation is created.

This can also be  seen in Procurement and sourcing–>Common–>Requests for quotations–>All requests for quotations.